Sunday, October 9, 2016


If my online friendships atrophies as my time away from the web dwindles—that will be fine, my health is first. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Friendships DO NOT disintegrate.

Why is it when you know someone pretty well— know their secret per sé, the friendship deteriorates?

I was hurt— yes, *was*. 

I thought why should I be hurt, it was only an online friend. 
I was hurt because I got too attached, emotionally. Loving the entire family. 
A christian, a volunteer, a community auxiliary person, a family person
one with a big heart. 
Though no one is perfect. 

[I don't judge, though I get judged sometimes— not really sure why but I do.]

Friendships only disintegrate due to addictions.

[Whenever you're addicted to any behavior— alcohol, drugs, womanizing, internet-contacts, etc.
You're not emotionally available with your life, your family...
•Delilah (radio host) 
 Addiction disconnects you from reality. You're not only hurting yourself but you're hurting those around you— family; children, significant-other (loved ones). 

*So true. Unfortunately, people don't snap out of it until it's too late.]

X transmogrified into someone else—a voyeurism with his fetishism.
And… Individual Y is red-kryptonite to the aforementioned (X).

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Jack Giambanco's dream in reality.

The Amazing Story of Friendship Lights |
Created by Jack Giambanco. 
We need peace, love and unity in this world. 

Follow Jack Giambanco on Twitter: @FRNDSHPLGHTS    
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Jack Giambanco  

Monday, March 7, 2016

How do you deal with people who only contact you when they need a favor?

Most people are self-absorbed; it just is what it is.  Relationships wax and wane -if you don't want to help, don't help.  If you do, then do.  When our self-interests collide and overlap - ah, that can be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Friendships develop from good conversations, shared interests and shared experiences. Frequently, friendships begin because one person needs something from someone else; that's pretty natural.  But there are boundaries that need to be set regarding what's expected out of those relationships. 

I like it when people ask me to help them; often it means that they respect me and my opinion enough to request it, and I appreciate that.  Sometimes, however, they can act like succubi - just before they wrap their vacuum-cupped tentacles around you and smother you in the fuzzle that is their lives, preventing you from being able to breathe let alone get angry and burnt out on their drama, you need to tell them - oh, sorry, I'm busy.  

It doesn't happen that often to me, because, frankly, I am a lonely pathetic person who needs positive reinforcement to my fragile and wussy old ego all the time, and so will do pretty much anything that someone - especially someone that I consider a friend - asks me to, if it's all possible for me to try to do and so long as it doesn't involve some kind of compromise to my integrity.  I will try to do what I can, sometimes even if they don't ask.

Except, occasionally, call them back, until, whoops, it's too late to get to that favor they'd requested.  Passive-aggressive you say?  Who, moi? Nay, just oh so busy!
• My approach would be very much like your own. I am always prepared to help anyone, and certainly don't do something because of what I may get 'in return' but there does need to be some element of reciprocity.

I think there are two kinds of people, those who give and take and those who just want to take.

I think the following quote sums up, for me, what friendship means:-

"I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar." Robert Brault

And as Marlene Dietrich put it:-

"It's the friends you can call up at 4a.m. that matter."

"It sounds like these people are not so much friends as opportunistic acquaintances."

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Quotes to ponder

Someone I loved once gave me a box of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift. 
-Mary Oliver 
"As I interpret the passage, baring any other reference, it seems to mean that someone has given their loved one a great deal of pain and personal trauma. Upon reflection, however, the speaker realizes that in learning to deal with the pain they have become a much more enlightened and nuanced person, overall, better off for having had the experience." -Unknown 

I read this and think of myself. I'm a patient and a caretaker to my mom. Presently, my *life* is on hold— will all my pain ever get better before I have no life to live? 

Friday, December 11, 2015

Peter Shankman's Recipe:

Easy: brown a pound of ground turkey with onions, peppers, and mushrooms. Add a jar of tomato sauce. Ten minutes in the pan. Spread a box of cream cheese on a casserole dish. Pour the turkey stuff onto it. Add cheddar cheese over it. Then add mozzarella cheese. Bake for 15 minutes or until the crust bubbles. Then take two long rolls of bread. Slice at the ends, scoop the bread out, and spoon the casserole into the holes. Brush butter, garlic, and parsley flakes on top of the bread. Add more mozzarella cheese on top. Bake eight more minutes. Slice, serve.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Good day, always.

Today is a good day—
*any day* above ground is a great day in fact.

When it seems like you have no friends— something unexpected happens, and you then realize that you *do* have (friends). 

Have a wonderful day!